Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Success Secret

What do I do to feel successful in life? Well, I define success as feeling great and going with the flow. In other words...being happy. When I feel great life flows as if I had scripted my perfect experience. When I feel crummy or blah I notice my day is not flowing. I will start to get red lights when driving and that kind of subtle alert from the Universe that I am not paying attention to my thoughts.
Ah ha! Forewarned is enough to get me to change how I feel and the thoughts running me in the moment.

One thing I do to keep me focused and on track to reaching my happiness is scheduling my day. When I write down the important tasks to do each day I actually accomplish them all--with time to spare. If I keep them in my head and do them haphazardly I sacrifice efficiency and diligence. Hmm what do you suppose I do to feel successful then?

Tell me what you do.

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Blogging Opens New Worlds

Looking for something to do? Well, you probably have enough going on in your world, huh? On the other hand, what if you took what is going on in your world and shared it...with others you may not even know.
You may touch lives and make a difference and maybe never know you did. Thing is, we are all here to serve each other, the planet and Spirit.
If you want to see the possibilities blogging can offer, take a look at this...

I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.

It covers:

  • The best blogging techniques.
  • How to get traffic to your blog.
  • How to turn your blog into money.

I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Green Living

Green--may be the biggest buzz word around today. I see two meanings for the word, green:
  1. supporting the ecosystem of Earth thereby keeping more green alive on this planet
  2. wealth derived from sustaining a healthy environment by eliminating waste and recycling all we possibly can
In my own home, I only print out the pages I need and keep everything else as PDF files on my computer. A great free program for converting web pages and other documents into PDF files is downloadable at

How fortunate I feel to live in Boise, Idaho where the city pretty much recycles everything that is not organic garbage. And that can, of course, go into a compost pile.

The only lights on in my home are those in the room where I actually am.

Tell me what you and your family do to protect our Earth and its precious gifts and resources so we may all may grow and learn. Interestingly, as we cut out extraneous non-green items we wind up increasing our wealth--money-wise and well being wise.

Enjoy this glorious day!

Be well and happy. In the end, nothing else matters.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Take 5 Tuesday: Still Becoming

Welcome to your Take 5 Tuesday.

Have you ever heard anyone say there is no such thing as homeostasis? Everyone and everything is in a state of change. either you are growing or dying. no staying the same.

Back in 1996, as a psychotherapist working in crisis care, my whole world turned topsy-turvey.

The world I had taken for granted--simple things like having the energy to hold a telephone or sit up, use my eyes to see and my mind to think--everyday things became chores that consumed every drop of energy.

I chose to go on with my life. People said I was an inspiration. I knew that I did not want to spend the rest of my life on a couch watching life pass me by. So I disregarded mainstream medical thinking and forged forward.

Still Becoming is the song I wrote after the doctors told me I was not going to get better. You

can listen here:


Go here to subscribe to my ezine (formerly called Getting Unstuck) now in my ninth year of production. Only subscribers to Creating The Life will continue to receive Take 5 Tuesday. So remember to go here after you listen: http://CreatingTheLife.com

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Take 5 Tuesday

I started today in a crunky mood. My modem
would not work and I spent hours figuring out
how to move my life forward. Surely that mood
failed to serve me or anyone else.
With that recognition I changed my thoughts
to good, to God, to love and abundance.

Cconsciously choosing my focus and thoughts
brought instant relief to me. Not only did
my computer work but my back up external
hard drive--that has not worked all week
and contains my entire business and creative
works--unlocked allowing me to access my
precious years of work!

I thought, hmm, I bet others run into this
same issue now and again.
So I created Take 5 Tuesday, a 5 minute video
prompting you to take action now.

Turn up your speakers and click the link below:

Being In Service,

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Feel Great!

When someone asks you how you are doing, how do you respond? Most people glumly reply, "Hangin' in there" or maybe "Fine."

Hmm. Your spirit hears you say those words. Your brain and mind now heed the call to action and make certain that your day goes exactly as you say, "Hangin' in there" or "Fine."

Boring. Not much to look forward to.

What happens inside you when, instead, you smile and with energy in your voice and body say," Great!" Notice the difference in how you feel? How about in your mood?

You see, in every moment of every day you are exactly as you say you are and cannot be any different from how you say you are. Your brain and mind retrieve and fetch new evidence to make your words accurate.

The next time someone asks, "How are you doing?"how will you respond?

It really is all about you and your point of view. Listened to my song lately? Take a few seconds now and listen.

Friday, March 30, 2007


If you have not seen The Secret yet, I highly recommend getting a copy NOW. The message is not something you will fully appreciate after a single viewing. I personally recommend watching it at least 6 times--initially.

I have been watching The Secret for over three months now. While I may not sit down and watch it through each day, I at least play it while I work and do stuff so the message still goes into my subconscious.

Interestingly, my RAS (if you do not know what the RAS is email me at ali@creatingthelife.com and ask for my special report on How Your Brain and Mind Work) directs my attention to whatever message is particularly interesting for me that day.

I have been teaching the material in The Secret for 16 years now. And every day I see something new. I teach to share and to learn. While some amazingly wonderful events continue to come into my world on a daily basis, sometimes what I want is simple.

I had a violent reaction to the chemicals in some recent work done on my new house. I did not realize it was an allergic reaction and thought I was coming down with a horrible cold--something extremely unusual. I never ever get sick. Never.

Well, I felt so bad I was unable to go to the store to get the makings for chicken soup (my chicken soup recipe cures all signs of any impending cold). I really wanted some chicken soup.

Are you ready for this? My new neighbor knocks on the door with a gift for me. You guessed it. She called it barley soup but when I took a spoonful I discovered it was chicken vegetable soup with barley! I smiled and laughed.

The Law of Attraction is working ALL the time. You attract big and little things. Be careful what you think about and feel about because you will experience those empassioned thoughts!

By the way, when the chicken soup did not relieve my symptoms I realized I was having a bad reaction to something. Just then the mail person delivered my supplement (that had been sent to my old address leaving me vulnerable to reactions). I took the supplement and was better in under 24 hours.